Thursday, July 8, 2010

It's been a week since we came home from the pediatric endocrinologist this time. It's taken me longer to process this time than normal, probably because it wasn't what I was expecting to hear.

My name's Amy. I'm 31 and a stay-at-home mother of Madeline, 6, Steven, 4, and Audrey, 1. Steven's a Type 1 diabetic, diagnosed when he was 14 months old. My husband, Chris, works at a casino.

Every 3 months, we see a ped. endo. for Steven, just to see where he's been and where he's going. His A1C, which is a measure of how much sugar has been in his blood, is always high but we're working on it. This time, it was 10.2, which is the lowest it's been since diagnosis back in 2007. That made us quite pleased, thinking that everything was getting better. It would have been, if Steve had grown more than a centimeter and had gained instead of lost weight.

I'm at a loss as to why, when he's always gained weight before. Granted, not much, but it's always something. Now, he's labeled as "underweight" for his age and he's fallen off his growth chart. Apparently, his high levels all the time are affecting his health, which makes me absolutely sick.

Obviously, that's the "under" part of the blog. The "over" part? I'm extremely overweight, at 5'1" and 220 pounds. I have to figure out how to get him to gain weight without making his sugar levels go crazier and to get me to lose weight. And, I have to do it in 3 months with only $300 a month in grocery money. O_o

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